The Clear Alternative for a Straighter Smile
Summerlin Dental Solutions is pleased to offer Invisalign™ invisible aligners, an innovative solution that permits you to accomplish straight teeth in as little as 9 - 15 months! These aligners can correct overcrowding, widely spaced teeth, overbite, underbite, or crossbite.
Invisalign uses cutting-edge 3-D computer-imaging technology to create your entire treatment plan, from the current positioning of your teeth to your final smile. From this plan, clear thermoplastic aligners are generated. These are similar to teeth-whitening trays and are custom made to fit your exact teeth. When you place the first set of aligners, they use a small amount of force to move your teeth gently into position. Approximately two weeks later, you replace them with the next set of aligners and then progress through treatment for approximately a year. You only need to visit our office for evaluation every four to eight weeks. Total treatment time is based on your personal needs and goals.
Comfort, simplicity, and privacy are three of the most appealing advantages to the Invisalign system. These single piece aligners have no metal or wires to inflame your mouth, and extend the added benefit of requiring nothing that must be continually checked or adjusted.
Summerlin Dental Solutions
Rodney Gleave, DMD
Brian Karn, DMD
851 S. Rampart Blvd., #230
Las Vegas, NV 89145
(702) 341-9160
Senior Dental Care is Different
Our teeth are as vulnerable to the scourge of age as the rest of our bodies. Gum disease and root decay become more prevalent in our senior years. Daily cleaning and good nutrition are vital for maintaining your healthy gums. In fact, if your gums have become red, irritated, or prone to bleeding, or if your teeth have started to feel loose, please contact us immediately.
In addition, aging often means more medications. Reduced flow of saliva is sometimes a side effect of these medications. There are simple products that can help this condition. Even your fillings can suffer the signs of age. They can weaken or crack. Regular visits will allow us to continuously check your existing fillings. Don't forget that years of plaque buildup, as well as consuming coffee, tea, or tobacco, can make teeth appear dark. Ask us about processes that can fight all these problems.
Summerlin Dental Solutions
Rodney Gleave, DMD
Brian Karn, DMD
851 S. Rampart Blvd., #230
Las Vegas, NV 89145
(702) 341-9160
The Primary Cause of Lost Teeth
Gum disease, not tooth decay, is the primary means by which most people lose their teeth. Unfortunately, it can remain completely unnoticed up to the very point your teeth are destroyed. Uncertain if it’s happening to you? Indicators are bleeding gums when you brush or floss, and loose or shifting teeth. We can assist even if you’ve been told you require gum surgery. You’ll be happy to know that it’s possible to control gum disease with an array of non-surgical methods.
Summerlin Dental Solutions
Rodney Gleave, DMD
Brian Karn, DMD
851 S. Rampart Blvd., #230
Las Vegas, NV 89145
(702) 341-9160